US 31 Improvement Project
The New US 31 Major Moves Project, one of the largest in INDOT history, elevated sections of US 31 to limited access freeway standards. The project area (Hamilton County) presented unique challenges, as it includes one of the most developed luxury commercial corridors in the state. Additionally, this section of the road passes through several communities with varying development initiatives, historic resources, formal community aesthetics, and beloved recreational amenities. Our staff worked to maximize constructive community involvement opportunities and facilitate discussions with key stakeholders. These discussions were relayed to project designers in order to bring public opinion to bear on the final product. We also served as lead authors and investigators in the original environmental evaluations and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation that initiated the project, as well as the concluding FEIS document that solidified the project several years later. We saw the US 31 Hamilton County project through all of these phases, serving as a trusted resource among the relatively large project team and the public.
- Developed public involvement plans and outreach strategies
- Coordinated large public participation events
- Facilitated committee and targeted stakeholders meetings
- Provided design recommendations for project integration into the community
- Authored DEIS/FEIS documents and fulfilled all NEPA requirements and coordination
- Conducted environmental evaluations & agency coordination across multiple years
So, great staff – yes
Meaningful outcome – definitely
Repeat business – would love to find that “next” project to work on together!

Steve Fleming
CHA Companies